Creditor Services

Rain, sunshine and bad debt - some inevitable facts of life if you’re running a business.

If a customer enters administration it doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t ever be paid.


We offer a Creditor Support Service to help you understand what your options are.


Whether they’re going through a pre-pack administration, liquidation, CVA or IVA – we’ll liaise with the insolvency practitioners handling the case to be able to give you a professional appraisal on the likelihood receiving any money, how much and a probable timescale.

We’ll also manage more specialised elements involving creditors including:

Retention of Title (ROT)

Directors Investigations

Landlord/Tenant rights

Retention of Title (ROT)

A Retention of Title (ROT) clause gives the seller additional protections and rights over goods sold including ownership rights if certain conditions aren’t met - including being paid.

If you have a viable ROT we’ll work to get your rightful property returned.

Directors Investigations

A key part of any administration procedure is examining the conduct of company directors before and leading up to the insolvency event.

We can assist and give you an indication as to any forthcoming remedial action if wrongdoing has been found.

Landlords and Tenants Rights

Landlords and tenants both have different rights regarding insolvency so if you are either we can represent your interests and make sure you are represented fully.